Tavi Tavi


Tavi is a historical pastry shop, opened in 1935 and bought by the Paiva family in 2006. José Paiva and his experience of more than 40 years are the reason for the success of Tavi, which has been known for innovation – from modernizing the space to the proposal of new flavors.

In addition to the traditional pastry shop, new recipes, more delicate products and contemporary desserts are also being constantly introduced, in family and individual portions, to try at the pastry shop, to take away or to offer on special occasions. 

Another bet of Tavi has been Gastronomy. Together with the pastry shop products, we now have a restaurant service and a menu that values a modern cuisine and an original interpretation of some traditional Portuguese specialties

You can enjoy an early breakfast, a business or relaxing lunch, a refreshing light meal at the end of the day or even some well served tapas to anticipate the dinner, anywhere within the pastry shop space.

The lounge space, with a panoramic view of the ocean and Foz inviting shore, is a comfortable, harmonious and functional place, to enjoy anytime and everyday of the year. 

Tavi and Foz

"(...) Foz belongs to me like a garment that dresses me inside, like an immemorial skin for which time is important and not important at all." (Miguel Veiga)

We are located at Rua da Senhora da Luz, in Foz Velha. By the sea, we can hear the seagulls screeching and the waves crashing in the sand. Early in the morning is the sea breeze that inspires us everday. If you step in, be prepared to delight your senses … 

A long time ago, Foz do Douro was a privileged place for the famous hot baths, where the most renowned houses were located. Bathing in the sea was something collective – for the less prudish – or individual for the primmer ones and, among rocks, if the dress was not lifted up above the ankles.

But to bathe, first you needed to choose the transportation. This was decided according to the pockets. For the aristocrats there were the barouches, chaises, chars-à-bancs. For the families with several members but with less money, the wagon, with no passenger limit, was more than enough. Horses were fashionable back then, althout the donkey was more used.

To pass the time, people went for a ride, to the lightouse of Senhora da Luz or to the Cantareira to watch the boats arriving and to buy fresh fish. There were also the famous jericadas, which were nothing more than donkey races.

Rua da Senhora da Luz was the preferred choice to go shopping. There we could find woollen mills, butcher shops, tailor shops, barber shops, shoe stores, charcoal factories, restaurants and pastry shops, notably of course, Tavi, the quintessential pastry shop of Foz.

The times and trends may have changed. The winds of change blew here but they couldn’t take away the soul of Foz. New and sophisticated shops were opened, the hobbies are more extreme, the dusty streets are no more and today the latest car models can be seen along the famous Avenida Brasil.

But if we sharpen our senses, we can notice that everything and nothing changed. The seagulls are still screeching, the murmur of the water comforts us, the morning fog surrounds us and whispers in our ears - “You are at Foz, the eternal and immutable Foz. "

Tavi in the news...

31 . Dec . 2015

Time Out Porto

A Tavi e a Rua Senhora da Luz

20 . Jun . 2013

Tentações (Sábado)

Este brunch de luxo tem de ser agendado em grupo

30 . May . 2013

Time Out Porto

As melhores sandes do Porto e arredores

21 . Feb . 2013

Tentações (Sábado)

Crepe ao Porto

6 . Dec . 2012


A vista da Tavi já era boa e a esplanada ficou ainda melhor

21 . Jun . 2012


O Bolo de S. João da Tavi 

31 . May . 2012

Time Out Porto

Tavi entre os 10 melhores brunches da cidade

31 . May . 2012

Evasões (JN e DN)

Um roteiro para lanchar no Porto. Lanche guloso é na Tavi...

29 . Mar . 2012

Time Out Porto

Especial Confeitarias

25 . Nov . 2011

Tentações (Sábado)

O bolo de chocolate da Tavi é obrigatório...

27 . May . 2011


A partir da literatura contam-se "estórias à dentada"...

1 . Sep . 2010


Histórias de Comer

11 . Aug . 2010


Estórias à Dentada

24 . Jun . 2010

Time Out Porto

25 . May . 2010

Jornal de Notícias

Histórias para os mais novos e receitas de cozinha

14 . May . 2010

Essencial (Sol)

a receita literária das "Estórias à Dentada"

13 . Feb . 2009

Jornal de Notícias

A Tavi inspira a jornalista e escritora Helena Osório

1 . Jan . 2009

Notícias Recheio

Formação e Criatividade

7 . Dec . 2008

Porto em Revista (Público)

As estrelas do Natal da Tavi

16 . Nov . 2007

GPS (Sábado)

Curso de cozinha "Preparar o Natal"

23 . Aug . 2007

GPS (Sábado)

Os gelados da Tavi  

26 . Jul . 2007


Comidas e Gulodices para saborear ao fim da tarde...

1 . Jun . 2007

Veja Brasil_ Guia Porto 2007/2008

Tavi eleita "Melhor Confeitaria" na categoria "Comidinhas"

5 . Apr . 2007


Um dos melhores pasteleiros do mundo esteve na Tavi

4 . Apr . 2007

GPS (Sábado)

Curso de culinária sobre frutos e salgados

23 . Feb . 2007

Viva + (JN e DN)

Richard Zimler almoça na Tavi todas as semanas...

4 . Oct . 2006

Diário de Notícias

Cursos de cozinha com o chefe Hélio Loureiro

22 . Jun . 2006

Diário de Notícias

Arte com requinte na renovada Tavi

9 . Jun . 2006

Viva + (JN e DN)

Caras conhecidas e figuras do antigamente na reabertura da Tavi

5 . Jun . 2006


Tavi recupera o charme dos anos 30

4 . Jun . 2006

Correio da Manhã

Convidados ilustres na reabertura da Tavi

26 . May . 2006

Jornal de Notícias

Tavi ajuda a relançar Bolo de S. João

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Delivery & Take-away

Rua Sra. da Luz, 363
Foz · Porto, Portugal

Reservations: clientes@tavi.pt

Email: padaria@tavi.pt

Rua Sra. da Luz, 356
Foz · Porto, Portugal

Join us
Segunda a Sexta
7h15 às 19h00
Sábado e Domingo
8h00 às 19h00
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