Sunny days are great to walk along the seaside. Come aboard Porto Tram 1 and enjoy a delicious meal near the sea, listening to the waves crashing in the sand.
Loved by everyone, cookies have their own special day: December 4th. Why not celebrate this date by eating your favourite cookies with a hot drink?
Isolated and very quiet, the Praça de Liège is located within a few meters from Tavi. This is a place that can easily go unnoticed, but it is very valued by the residents of Foz, since it is here that one of the most emblematic gardens of this area can be found.
Is there anything better to do on a lazy Sunday morning than having brunch in good company? The smell of freshly baked bread, buttered toast, scones and milk bread with jam, washed down with hot tea with a hint of sweetness is a delightful treat for the whole family.